Children's Day

"Children's Day is an auspicious day celebrated on November 14th in remembrance of our great leader Chacha Nehru's birthday every year. Chacha Nehru, alias Jawaharlal Nehru, was the first Prime Minister of India. He was very fond of children, and his love for them was immense. He believed that children should be empowered and entitled to enjoy their childhood and future education.

Every school celebrates Children's Day with great enthusiasm. There are various events like quiz debates, and cultural programs including dance, music, ballet, drama, skits, and mimes. Chachaji believed that children are the kingmakers of tomorrow, so they are entitled to fulfill their childhood. They should be educated in different aspects of life, and their talents should be brought out and appreciated in front of an audience. Today's children are tomorrow's leaders, and they determine the future of the country.
Every citizen should be aware of their responsibility towards the future of any child, irrespective of caste, creed, and religion. Children are valuable assets and the hope of tomorrow, which reflects on their rights and well-being, emphasizing the need for a safe and nurturing environment for their growth and development.
In conclusion, may the child in you always find reasons to smile on this special day. Let us cherish the wonders of childhood, the magic of imagination, and the boundless joy of being a child."

Happy Children's Day


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