Today’s Writer-Izaak Walton

  Izaak Walton

Izaak Walton (baptized on Sept 21, 1593 – Dec 15, 1683) was an English writer best known as the author of The Compleat Angler. However, his literary contributions extend beyond fishing.  It’s a delightful blend of practical advice, poetry, and philosophical musings. Walton wrote several short biographies, including one of his close friends, the poet, and clergyman John Donne. During the English Civil War, Walton supported the Royalist cause.

After the Royalist defeat at Marston Moor in 1644, he returned to his home county of Staffordshire and settled in Shallowford.  Walton’s admirers included Charles Lamb. His name graces places and organizations not only in England but also in the United States and Kenya.

Remember Izaak Walton as the angler, biographer, and friend whose words continue to resonate across centuries.

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